mbo & volwasseneneducatie in de regio Rijnmond

Learn the Dutch language at Albeda

Welcome to the Netherlands. Do you want to learn the Dutch language or do you want to take a civic integration course? Albeda offers several courses. If you want to go to mbo or hbo you can follow a prepatory year higher education.

If you come to live in the Netherlands for a longer period of time from outside the EEA (European Economic Area), Switzerland or Turkey, and if you are are between 18 and state pension age, you are obliged to learn Dutch.

If you come to live in the Netherlands from the EEA, Switzerland or Turkey, you are not obliged by law to learn Dutch or take an integration course. We can imagine you still want to learn the Dutch language.

Please contact our ‘Intakebureau’ (Intake office) for more information.
Telephone: 010 221 41 21
E-mail: taaleninburgering@albeda.nl